Clerk of Court Staff
Chief Deputy, Alicia Fussell
The Chief Deputy oversees the daily business operations of the Clerk of Court’s Office. The duties of the Chief Deputy include the overall supervision of administration, personnel and purchasing. The Chief Deputy oversees the workflow of all departments within the Clerk’s Office, while assisting the Clerk in setting policies and procedures. The Chief Deputy assists the Departmental Supervisors in finding solutions to unique situations and inquiries that may occur during daily operations.
Alicia Fussell has been full-time with the Clerk’s Office since 1998. While attending college she worked for the Clerk part time. She began working in the Recording Department and was later transferred to the Civil Department where she remained until 2006. From 2006 to 2018, she managed the Elections and Jury Departments.
Alicia was appointed Chief Deputy Clerk of Court by Gary Stanga on January 10, 2017.
Alicia gradated from Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University’s Paralegal Studies. She has attended various continuing education courses including Clerk’s Institutes and in 2005 received her designation of Certified Deputy Clerk of Court.

Chief Financial Officer, Stormy Norman
The Chief Financial Officer handles the daily financial operations of the Clerk of Court’s Office. These duties include but are not limited to accounts payable, general accounting, payroll, budgeting, and Registry of Court.
Stormy Norman is the Chief Financial Officer for the Tangipahoa Parish Clerk of Court. She has been employed with the Clerk’s office since 2011, where she began as cashier. This allowed her the opportunity to gain knowledge of the various departments within the Clerk’s office. In July 2017, Stormy was appointed Interim Chief Financial Officer until October 2017, when she became Chief Financial Officer. She is currently a member of the Government Finance Officers Association of Louisiana.
Stormy graduated Cum Laude from Southeastern Louisiana University in December 2001 with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a minor in Management. In December 2002, she received a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting also from Southeastern Louisiana University. Prior to working for the Clerk of Court, Stormy worked in public accounting since the year 2000. During this time she worked on monthly accounting, accounts payable, payroll, and income taxes for many types of businesses and individuals. She also assisted with forecast, audits, reviews, and compilations for many types of businesses and industries including governmental entities.

Civil Department Supervisor, Debi McCoy
The Supervisor for the Civil Department oversees and assists with the processing of all civil pleadings.
Debi McCoy began working for the Tangipahoa Parish Clerk’s Office in 1994 on a part time basis. Debi began working full time in December of 1998. She has worked in the file room, front desk and the Recording Department. Debi McCoy moved to the Civil Department in 2001.
Debi was appointed supervisor of the Civil Department in July 2017.

Criminal Department Supervisor, Felicia Joiner
The Supervisor of the Criminal Department oversees the daily operations of the minute clerks and other personnel in her department. The minute clerk attends each court session (civil, criminal, traffic, non-support, and juvenile) with the judge she has been assigned. It is her responsibility to take minutes of each case that is heard by the judge during that day. The minute clerk also is responsible for maintaining the civil court dockets. In addition she must send notification to litigants and/or their attorneys of court dates and signing of judgments; process criminal and civil pleadings; prepare appeals for the Court of Appeal in both criminal and civil matters; process traffic tickets and issue criminal subpoenas and attachments. The minute clerks are now scanning all criminal pleadings for backup and filing purposes and sending the appropriate copies to the D.A. and Public Defender.
Felicia Joiner has been employed by the Clerk of Court since October 2001 and was appointed supervisor for that department in October 2016. While employed with the Clerk of Court she has attended and completed numerous education conferences, seminars and received certification as a Deputy Clerk of Court from the Louisiana Clerks of Court Association.

Elections and Jury Supervisor, Rebecca Borras
The Clerk of Court’s Office is responsible for recruiting and training election commissioners, and with the Board of Election Supervisors, supervise the overall election process.
Rebecca Borras was a legal secretary for twelve years prior to her employment at the Clerk’s Office in 2007. Rebecca began working in the Civil Department, where she was initially a civil clerk for Division C, and later became the civil clerk for the Child Support Division. Rebecca Borras was appointed supervisor of the Elections & Jury Departments/Administration in May 2018.
In addition to managing the Elections Department, Mrs. Borras is responsible for the supervisory duties of the front office. This is the area where jury duty and vital records are located and also reception for customers of the Clerk’s Office.

File and Copy Room Supervisor, Detrice Myers
The supervisor oversees and directs the operations of the File and Copy rooms. These operations include maintaining, updating, microfilming, and indexing the Civil and Probate files. The file room also maintains the conveyance and mortgage files as well as marriage licenses. The copy room provides copies of all public documents for the public.
Detrice Myers started working for the Clerk Of Courts Office in May 2010. She began her journey in the Mortgage and Conveyance Department and then she later transferred to the File And Copy Department where she currently resides until she became Supervisor. Detrice is a graduate of Kentwood High School and American Intercontinental University where she holds dual degrees in Business and Healthcare Management. She is a mother of two handsome and amazing sons in which one serves in the United States Air Force.

Hammond Office, Kristie Orlando
Kristie is a Hammond native and graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University. She has been employed with the Tangipahoa Clerk of Court since May 2003. She first began working at the Recording Desk and later in the Mortgage & Conveyance Dept. In 2010 Kristie started her service at the Hammond satellite location. She was appointed supervisor of our Hammond office in February 2023.
The Hammond office can perform most of the same duties as our Amite office such as, marriage licenses, passports, recordings, land searches, and the acceptance of civil documents.

Mortgage/Conveyance Supervisor, Janice Martin
Janice Martin is a Mississippi native. She graduated from Draughon's Business college in 1979 and from there started working at Hayes and Jackson Law Firm for seven years. She then moved to Louisiana where she worked at Atlanta Life Insurance Company for several years and then transferred jobs to Charter Communications for thirteen years.
Janice started at Tangipahoa Parish Clerk of Court’s Office on March 17, 2008, as a Deputy Clerk and was appointed Supervisor of the Mortgage and Conveyance Department in December 2020. This department is responsible for recording and indexing various mortgages. Other duties also include processing requests for acknowledgment certificates, lien certificates, uniforms commercial codes (UCC’s), mortgage certificates for sheriff’s sales and personal requests, information for property bonds, and cancellations of various documents in the mortgage.

IT Administrator, Lance Anderson
Lance Anderson has been with the Clerks of Court’s Office since September 2018. Lance graduated in 2015 with a degree in applied sciences. Following graduation, Lance worked for a computer company that handled IT support for individual businesses. Since joining the Clerk of Court’s Office, Lance has continued his education in applied science and is working on getting certified as a Deputy Clerk of Court.