Jury Duty
The Jury Duty Department is responsible for the random selection of jurors used by the 21st Judicial District Court in Tangipahoa Parish. A jury pool is impaneled for all civil and/or criminal cases scheduled to be tried in a given week. All civil and criminal juries are pooled together.
For example, if two divisions require a jury in the same week, then one jury pool is impaneled for 300 people. The judges of the 21st Judicial District Court set the guidelines for the number of people impaneled for civil and criminal juries. The judge is the only person who can excuse someone from jury service.
Because of the limited space in the Amite Courthouse, we do not have a separate jury room for jurors. All jurors report to Courtroom No. 1 where a roll is taken. The judge comes into the courtroom to explain the qualifications of a juror and the exemptions that may be claimed. If any juror feels that he or she does not meet the qualifications or wishes to claim an exemption, the judge gives that person the opportunity to speak with him/her one-on-one to explain their situation.

In order to serve as a prospective juror, you must:
- Be a United States and a Louisiana citizen who has resided in Tangipahoa Parish for at least one year immediately preceding your jury service;
- Be at least eighteen years of age;
- Be able to read, write and speak the English language;
- Not be under interdiction or incapable of serving as a prospective juror because of a mental or physical infirmity;
- Effective as of August 01, 2021, Louisianans with a felony conviction may serve on juries once five (5) years have passed since the completion of their sentence.
There are two exemptions which may be claimed
- You have performed jury service in the 21st Judicial District Court within the last two years of your reporting date;
- You are seventy years of age and older. ***If claiming an age exemption, you will need to provide a copy of your ID showing your date of birth.
No exemption is automatic. Your request for exemption should be in writing and state which of the exemptions you are claiming. You may claim your exemption by contacting the Clerk’s Office as follows:
By Mail: Jury Commission
P.O. Box 667
Amite, LA 70422
By Phone: 985-748-8015
or By Email
If the date of your jury service conflicts with school, vacations, work or any other matters, you can contact the Clerk of Court’s office (using methods above) to reschedule your jury service. This is a One-Time Deferment and can be re-scheduled up to 6 months out.
Proof of Jury Service
If you need an excuse for your employer or school, please request this at the Clerk’s office prior to leaving the courthouse.
Proper Attire
Proper attire for Jury Duty is slacks, jeans, blouses, blazers, and dresses. The following are not acceptable: shorts, tank tops, sun dresses, or miniskirts. Please bring a sweater or long sleeve as the courtrooms may be cold.
Again, on behalf of the Court and your fellow citizens, we thank you for your service and hope it will be a rewarding experience.