
Instructional Course for Prospective (New) Commissioners

Gary T. Stanga, Clerk of Court, announces that a course of instruction will be held each year for all persons interested in becoming a “new” commissioner. YOU MUST APPLY IN PERSON and meet the following qualifications as per R.S. 18:425B & 18:428A.

Qualifications for Commissioner:
  • Qualified voter, who is not marked for assistance in voting in the precinct register;
  • Can be 17 years old in the 12th grade;
  • Not a candidate in the election or a child, child's spouse, brother, brother's spouse, sister, sister's spouse, parent, spouse, or parents of the spouse of candidate in precinct where serving;
  • Registered to vote in ward serving unless replacements are necessary;
  • Not having been convicted of an election offense;
  • Successfully completed training;
  • Not a law enforcement officer; and
  • Attend training and pass at least 10 questions of a 15-question test.
Information about the Commissioner Class:
  • All schools last approximately 2 hours. (There is a lecture with an open book test, followed by hands on training with voting machines.)
  • Before leaving the class, you will find out if you successfully passed the test.

If you are interested in becoming a "new" commissioner, please download and complete the Registration Form below and email same to:
Commissioners receive $200.00 per election.

Commissioner Class Registration Form

Next Commissioner Training Course Schedule

Our office is always seeking motivated individuals willing to dedicate their time by participating in elections as a Commissioner. In order to do this, we have election classes for new commissioners each year. The following dates are for new commissioner trainings, for the current year:

Tuesday, August 19, 2025 - North Oaks Diagnostic Center - Hammond
Wednesday, August 20, 2025 - Florida Parishes Arena Events Center - Amite

You must call 985-748-4146 to register for the class date and time you are interested in coming to.