Recording – Mortgage/Conveyance Fees

Recording Fees

RS 13:844 Fees of ex officio records
Effective August 1, 2017

Need to see our Fees PRIOR to August 1, 2017

You may also view our Notice and Explanation of Charges. (effective 8/01/17)

Fee Description Amount
Recording Documents in Conveyance, Mortgage and Miscellaneous Books  
1 – 5 pages (per book) $110.50
6 – 25 pages (per book) $210.50
26 – 50 pages $310.50
Each additional page after 50 pages $5.00/ page
**Any documents larger than letter or legal size paper is subject to a $20.00/ page Non-Compliance fee**
Indexing Per Name After 10th Name (effective 08/01/2017) as per R.S. 13:844 A e) $5.00
Cancelling Real Estate Documents with Original Note $20.50
All other Cancellations $60.50
*****See Forms for appropriate paperwork required to process Cancellations*****
Copy Charges  
Conformed Copies $5.00 per document
Certified Copies $10.00 per document
Copies per page (made by clerk) $1.00 per page
Mortgage/Lien Certificates  
One Name – One Definable Property $20.00
Each Additional Definable Property $20.00
Each Additional Name $10.00
Each Exception after 10th $1.00
General Mortgage Certificate Call for quote: 985-748-4146
****Pricing for General Mortgage Certificate cannot be determined until the Certificate has been completed****
Mortgage Certificate Update per name $10.00
Lien Certificate $30.00
Lien Certificates w/ Surety $40.00
Notice of Repossession (as per RS 6.966.1) $75.00

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filing Fees

Fee Description Amount
UCC1 – One Debtor (fees reflected below include a $5 prepaid termination fee)
Financing Statement $30.00
Financing Statement with Assignment $35.00
Financing Statement relative to “as extracted collateral” or fixture filing $40.00
Financing Statement (Transmitting Utility) $205.00
Financing Statement (Public Finance Transaction) $105.00
Attachments $2.00 each
Additional Debtor Names $10.00 each
Non-standard Form Fee $15.00
UCC 3 – subsequent filings with once debtor $25.00
Amendment, Continuation, Assignment, Debtor Correction $25.00
Master Assignment/ Amendment $5.00 per financing statement
Termination ($5 per debtor name paid at time of original filing) N/A
***Additional Debtors Named on Original $5.00 each
UCC11 – Search  
UCC Certificate (per debtor name) $30.00
***Additional $1 for each listing more than ten  
Copies of Documents $1.00/ page
Certification of Copies $5.00
Central Registry Filings  
UCC and Crop Filing $35.00*
Crop Filing Only $20.00
*These fees are flat fees. No additional charge is assessed for additional debtors and/or attachments.
Please visit the Secretary of State Website if you have any questions about UCC’s.